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Home / News / Breaking the international monopoly, triangle tire OTR tires sell well all over the world

Breaking the international monopoly, triangle tire OTR tires sell well all over the world

Views: 1200     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-12      Origin: Site

"This year we have achieved great success in the OTR and special tire markets. Although the logistics problem still exists, we expect that the demand for OTR tires will continue to be very strong, especially after the Congress passed the infrastructure bill.".

Recently, Campbell Metcalfe, CEO of Triangle Tire America Sales Company, described the company's hot OTR tire market in an interview with the well-known American media Tire Business.


It can be learned from the interview that in the current economic downturn, the tire industry as a whole is in a slump. Triangle tire, a well-known domestic tire manufacturer, has performed very well in the overseas OTR tire field. According to the understanding of vehicles and wheels, triangular tires have become the leading enterprise in the field of engineering tires for many years. Triangle tires rank fourth in the global OTR tire field.

From the financial report of Triangle Tire in 2021, the data confirms that its engineering tire business performance is indeed excellent. In 2021, its domestic engineering tire supporting volume will increase by 15%, and the overseas market engineering tire will increase by 24%. Thanks to the growth of engineering tire sales, the annual tire sales of Triangle Tire have significantly improved. It is reported that since 2022, its domestic and international engineering tire markets have maintained a sustained growth trend.


It can be said that the success of triangle tire engineering tire business is the result of its continuous efforts in technology, products, sales and other aspects over the years.

1. Understand the market demand and seize the development opportunity of the engineering tire industry

The automobile industry is supporting the huge demand of the tire market. Relevant data shows that the sales volume of construction machinery loaders has been steadily increasing in the past five years. For example, the total sales volume of loader manufacturers of China Construction Machinery Industry Association in 2021 will reach 140500 units, a year-on-year increase of 7.1%; The export sales volume was 34000 units, with a year-on-year growth of 38.2%.

At the same time, since 2021, the foreign economy has recovered slowly. The major foreign economies, represented by Europe and the United States, have issued many favorable policies to stimulate demand. Therefore, the demand for overseas tire market has increased significantly. According to the introduction of Triangle Tire, the production of engineering tires in 2021 has increased by 33000 pieces year-on-year. In 2022, the global demand for minerals will increase significantly due to the economic inflation and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which will also further burst the demand for engineering tires.

2. The product line has complete specifications, and the triangle engineering tire is "differentiated and personalized"

In the years when Triangle Tyre laid out engineering tyres, it always adhered to the business philosophy of "service first". In order to meet the differentiated needs of different customers, Triangle Tyre successively launched a number of products and put them on the market, including its newly developed wide body dump truck tyres, multi-purpose wide base engineering tyres, highway engineering tyres and L5 series new products.

Car and Wheel learned that the service life of its newly developed products has been further improved, the carbon emissions in the full life cycle of giant tires have been effectively reduced, and the high-speed and puncture resistance of its mining giant tire products have also been significantly improved. The constantly updated tire products not only enhance the market influence of the triangle engineering tire brand, but also enhance the core competitiveness.

At present, triangle tire has been able to produce all 24 inch to 63 inch giant engineering radial tire products, forming a full range of engineering and mining machinery tire product systems, including eight product series with different operation purposes, namely, rigid dump truck, articulated truck, loader, grader, scraper, underground mining machinery, cranes and road vehicles, port machinery and industrial machinery.

Triangle tire was planned in the 2021 financial report released at the beginning of this year. In 2022, it will focus on the development of loader L-5 series products and rigid dump truck tire high mileage products; Develop high-speed engineering radial tires, 49 inch and 57 inch giant engineering radial products.


3. Favored by domestic and foreign OEMs, the supporting quantity of engineering tires has increased year after year

In recent years, the triangular engineering tire has been developing well in the domestic and international markets, and new partnerships have been constantly established. The number of supporting customers is increasing. With the gradual improvement of product series and excellent product quality, high-end OEMs have highly recognized the triangular engineering tire products. Triangle tire once said that the supporting amount of triangular engineering tire will increase by 15% in 2021, and the supporting projects of low pressure engineering tire, high-speed engineering tire and giant engineering tire will continue to be promoted in 2022.

According to car and wheel, Triangle Tire has established a good partnership with many well-known engineering machinery manufacturers at home and abroad, such as Trax, Volvo, Komatsu, Hyundai, Doosan, Lingong, CNHTC, Sany Heavy Industry, XCMG, Zoomlion Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Lovol, and has won the highest award of Caterpillar global supplier quality evaluation for 9 times. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Triangle Tyre has also completed the performance improvement and upgrading of several engineering machinery supporting products of Caterpillar, XCMG, Shandong Lingong and other OEMs.

4. Perfect sales network, triangle tire sales team covering the world

Triangular engineering tire business can achieve such results, and its perfect sales network is also crucial. It is understood that at present, Triangle Tyre has built localized marketing branches and teams in North America, Central and South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, Middle East Africa, Southeast Asia and other regions, and its marketing network covers more than 180 countries and regions around the world.

In this case, triangle tire still continues to develop new sales models to expand new markets. For example, Triangle Tyre adapts to the new trend of consumption and actively participates in the sales of large group online procurement platforms such as "National Railway Mall", constantly bringing new development opportunities for enterprises.

17.5-25 grader tire

5. Multiple policy support, vigorously develop high-end products such as construction machinery tires

In addition to the above factors such as product upgrading and supporting volume growth of triangle tire, the domestic and foreign environmental background also gives great help. For example, in September 2021, the Shandong Provincial Government issued the Construction Plan of Shandong Province as a Manufacturing Powerful Province during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan", which explicitly mentioned:

In 2021-2025, inefficient and backward production capacity will be eliminated according to law, and high-end products such as aircraft tires, engineering machinery tires, and ultra-high performance tires will be vigorously developed. By 2025, the output value of the tire industry will reach 200 billion yuan.

In addition, in the first half of this year, the Ministry of Finance also defined the "epic infrastructure plan", which will invest 15 trillion yuan to implement the "big infrastructure" plan, including 7 fields, such as 5G base stations, ultra-high voltage, intercity high-speed rail and urban rail, which is bound to further drive the development of engineering tires.

China otr tire

6. Break monopoly and be the leader of domestic engineering embryo

1) Break foreign monopoly and invest in the construction of the first engineering tire production line in China

As we all know, the giant radial tire is a high-tech product in the tire industry. Because of its high technology content, many domestic tire enterprises are deterred, and foreign countries have imposed strict blockade on its technology and manufacturing equipment. So more than 20 years ago, this technology was blank in China.

In this case, Triangle Tyre has achieved leaps in technology, quality and market of giant radial tyres by virtue of its high point positioning and strong independent innovation ability. In 2002, the first 23.5R25 all steel radial tire independently developed in China came out. In January 2007, the first batch of giant engineering radial tires in China were off the production line in the triangle, ending the history that China could not mass produce giant engineering radial tires. After that, triangle engineering tire sold well all over the world with its excellent quality and service.

2) The technology has been "officially recognized" and won many national awards

Over the past ten years of rapid development, the triangle engineering tire has become one of the world's leading products. Its product quality must have been verified by the market, and many of its self-developed technologies have also been "officially recognized".

It is understood that in 2008, the project "Development of Complete Production Technology and Equipment for Giant Radial Tires" independently developed by the Triangle won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2007, becoming the highest scientific and technological award in China's tire industry since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 2012, Triangle radial truck tire, car radial tire and construction machinery tire were awarded the brand products recommended by China Rubber Industry Association in 2012.

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Qingdao Tople Tire is specialize in TBR, PCR,OTR, industrial tyres, agricultural tyres, and forklift tyres with high quality and efficiency.Customers spread across over 40 countries and regions.

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